- Jeffrey Scott Longstaff home page -
Longstaff, J. S. (2011). Rudolf Laban's (1926) Choreographie - Origins of a Conception of Body-Space.
Including an English translation of Choreographie by Evamaria Zierach and Jeffrey Scott Longstaff.
Internet Presentation: http://www.laban-analyses.org/jeffrey/2011-Rudolf-Laban-1926-Choreographie/index.htm

Rudolf Laban (1926) Choreographie Preliminary Pages

Rudolf Laban 1926 Choreographie
Rudolf Laban 1926 Choreographie
Rudolf Laban 1926 Choreographie

Notes: Rudolf Laban (1926) Choreographie

Preliminary Pages

Notes to Rudolf Laban 1926 Choreographie
Notes to Rudolf Laban 1926 Choreographie

| Cover, Title | [1]Intro. | [2]Form Theory | [3]Movement | [4]Direction Theory | [5]Rhythmics | [6]Spatial Tensions | [7]New Choreography | [8]Swing Scales | [9]Central, Peripheral | [10]Primary Inclinations | [11]Ballet Positions | [12]Four Rings | [13]Three Rings | [14]Axis, Equator | [15]Equators | [16]Volutes | [17]Feuillet | [18]Minuet | [19]Ballet | [20]Comparisons | [21]Paths | [22]Steps, Jumps | [23]Turning | [24]Distal Limbs | [25]Primary, Secondary streams | [26]Plastic Direction Groups | [27]Terminology | [28][body] Correlations | [29]Free Signs | Appx[1]Script Intro. | [Appx2]Writing Guide | [Appx3] [22 Plates] |
| Inclination numbers | Vector Signs | Axis Scales(p44) | Peri.18-Rings (p47) | Trans.3-Rings(p.50) | Trans.12-Rings(p.51) | Trans.24-Rings(p.52) | Trans.48-Rings(p.53) | Trans.4-Strings(p.72) | Diagonal Script |
| English-German Index | Reference List |