English Translation of Laban’s
(1926) Choreographie
Reference List
(2011) Jeffrey Scott Longstaff
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(Available at OSU:
Aug. 2011 )
§ Longstaff, Jeffrey
S. (1996). Cognitive structures of kinesthetic space; Reevaluating Rudolf
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Ph.D. Thesis. London: City University, Laban Centre. (Supervisor: Valerie Preston-Dunlop)
(Available at OSU:
Aug. 2011 )
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- Longstaff, Jeffrey S. (2000).
Organisations of Chaos in an Infinitely Deflecting Body Space. Paper
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University Twickenham; 27-30 April.
( http://www.laban-analyses.org/jeffrey/2000_organisations_of_chaos/index.htm)
§ Longstaff, Jeffrey
S. (2000). Re-evaluating Rudolf Laban’s Choreutics. Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 91, 191-210.
- Longstaff, Jeffrey S. (2001).
Beyond the Scaffolding, Conceiving of a Choreutic Vector Space. Movement
workshop presented at “What is Laban Movement Analysis?”, Movement
Analysis conference series; Labanotation Institute, University of
Surrey; 6 January. (Invited)
(Reviewed by Hoffman, Phillip. 2001.
Conference reports. Action Recording, 89, 2-4.)
§ Longstaff, Jeffrey
S. (2001). A ‘free space vector’ approach to Laban’s choreutics. Movement
and Dance Magazine of the Laban Guild, 20 (2, Summer), 10-11. (Invited)
§ Longstaff, Jeffrey
S. (2001). Translating ‘vector symbols’ from Laban’s (1926) Choreographie. In
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- Longstaff, Jeffrey S. (2004).
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( http://www.ickl.org/conf04_beijing/sessions/sessions08.html
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S. (2005). Rudolf Laban’s notation workbook, an historical survey of dance
script methods from Choreographie (1926). In Proceedings of
the twenty-fourth biennial conference of the International Council of
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§ Longstaff, Jeffrey
S. (2006). Prototypes and deflections
in spatial cognition and Rudolf Laban's choreutics. In M. Kovarova & R.
Miranda (Eds.) Proceedings of Conference Laban & Performing Arts; Oct
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( http://www.laban-analyses.org/jeffrey/2006-laban-choreutics-prototypes-deflections/index.htm
( http://www.abp.sk/laban/prezentacia.html
§ Longstaff, Jeffrey
S. (2008). Continuous flux in flow of
effort and flow of shape; Motus Humanus Supplement. Movement and Dance Magazine of the Laban
Guild, 27 (4, Winter), 12-18. (Invited)
§ Longstaff, Jeffrey
S. (2010). Schema structures in
spatial cognition, motor learning, and Rudolf Laban’s Choreutics. Lecture given at Motus Humanus Advanced
Seminar: Rudolf Laban: New Facets of His Life and Work. Columbia College Chicago, 22-23 May.
§ Longstaff, Jeffrey
S. (2011). Schema structures in spatial cognition, motor learning, and Rudolf
Laban’s Choreutics. Motus Humanus
Supplement. (in press).
- Longstaff, Jeffrey S., with
Andrea Treu. (2004). Recovering the minuet from Rudolf Laban's (1926)
Choreographie. In Proceedings of the twenty-third biennial conference
of the International Council of Kinetography Laban (ICKL), 23 - 28 July
(pp. 50-91). Beijing Normal University, China: ICKL. (Includes 144 bar
notation score)
(Abstract http://www.ickl.org/conf04_beijing/sessions/sessions08.html
Retrieved July 2004)
- Longstaff, J. S., Treu, A.,
& Royston, D. (2007). Rudolf Laban’s minuet in Choreographie
(1926). Presentation and workshop at Dolmetsch Historical Dance
Society (DHDS) conference “On Common Ground 6: The Minuet in Time and Space”,
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Surrey: Laban Art of Movement Guild.
- Zierach,
Evamaria, and Longstaff, Jeffrey S. (Trans.) (1992). Rudolf Laban’s 1926 Choreographie [English
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